In 2 days, my baby will turn 5. I can hardly stand it. I don't want to forget what happened over the past year. Since it's Erin's week over at I am going to write it down so I can use this as journaling on some layouts about Riley.
Riley Joseph at age 4...
Started his 1st year of preschool on his birthday 9-03-08. Grew by leaps and bounds and almost 2 shoe sizes. Learned to write letters and numbers, spell & write his name, phone number & address.
Always the shy guy, but from the 1st day of preschool, ran into the door without a glance over his shoulder, gained more confidence. Played his 1st organized sport, T-ball. Team Number 5, the Royal blue Lions, and daddy was his first coach.
Loves egg salad sandwiches, chicken bones (wings), lettuce, apples, cheese, ramen soup, lucky charms & cinnamon toast crunch, bananas, oatmeal with brown sugar, waffles, grammie's rice, donuts with sprinkles, potatoes, mac & cheese, fish sticks & pierogies, tacos, wraps, PB&J, chips & dip, ice cream sandwiches, green beans, noodles & sauce. You are a good eater and will try "no thank you" helpings even.
Loves to help me cook or make anything in the kitchen. The other day I asked if you wanted to help me make egg salad, to which you pulled a chair over and said: I would LOVE to help you make egg salad, mama!". Still a daddy's boy. Still loves to play ball on the stairs and go for bike rides in the parking lot.
Asks to say prayer. Sometimes consists of: Praise Jesus, Praise god, Praise the Lord, Praise Uncle Kenny, Praise Daddy. Amen. Clears plates after dinner, helps me load & unload the dishwasher. helps himself to snacks/dip in the refrig. Or can get his own fork/spoon/knife.
Slowly over the year, plays less with thomas the train and all the guys from cars. Played more with legos (building ships from Star Wars) transformers (loves to draw Optimus Prime), Buzz (with his broken hand - he is now Buzz the Robot). But will build a track out of the blue track for Brady. Or play hot wheels with the racetrack.
Enter the world of webkinz. Gary the Gecko. You can play chess & checkers online and whatever else games are on daddy's laptop. Mama's is too slow because it has too many pictures on it. Your words not mine. You play Tonka & Lego Land @ Grammie & Papa's. When my camera is out, you want to take the pictures.
Loves to sit and do "work". Drawing Optimus, coloring or writing your letters and lately wanting me to spell out words so you can write them down.
shoe size 11 1/2, 4t pants (they are getting a little short) 5t shirts. weighs 43 pounds
Can buckle his own seat belt, zips his coat. Can still sleep 10 hours. Bedtime is still 7:30. Still helps empty laundry baskets - but now Brady gets in on it and they take turns trying to push each other around in the baskets. Wants to " read" books on your own, I will find at least 3 books in your bed in the morning along with various stuffed animals, cars or transformers.
Sweet, silly & sensitive boy. Loves to give me "loud" kisses to make me laugh. Will hug me randomly and say I love you mama. Will still come into our room sometimes, he comes to my side of the bed, when he has a bad dream or hears a bad noise. Knows I will let him snuggle for a few minutes then it's back to his bed. This past year has generous with hugs and kisses when he knows mama is sad or when my belly hurts.
On the flip side - we have seen our fair shares of time outs. For shouting, kicking, screaming, fighting, not sharing, refusal to do something. We try to give you choices but if you still don't like your options, you will try to add another one or say: I don't like your words.
Is turning into a pretty awesome big brother. Brady loves his big brother "ridey". Tries to reason with brady in the mornings "Brady -listen to my words - it's too early - go back to sleep" Brady, no jumping on the bed or you will have to the hospital like me" Brady -say English! Brady - if you do that one more time, you will get a 45 minute time out! the other day - he actually put brady in time out and told him he could NEVER play trains again. Yeah, mama put a stop to that. But the funny part? Brady actually listened and went to time out!
Has been to the ER 3 times over the year. Once for strep throat, once for an allergic reaction to penicillin, and once for the gash above his lip (no stitches) that he got when he "fell" out of bed which turned out he was jumping on the bed when he fessed up to Brady days later.
Went thru a phase of adding "right?" at the end of every sentence. That changed to correct! correctomundo! affirmative! Got to travel to Hocking Hills, OH & Outer Banks, SC.
And there is so much more. I just want to remember some little things about you at this age. You are still my peanut, even though you remind me you are a big boy and Brady is the peanut now. You are the one that made me a mama. Daddy and I are constantly amazed by your growing personality each day. I love you Riley Joe and can't wait to see what year 5 brings!