6 gain dish soap @ .88 each. 2 hershey dark @ .89 cents each. I had 6 $1.00 off gain dish soap and 1 BOGO hershey bar. Since the Gain coupons ring up as $1.00 - each coupon gave me .22 cents overage which applied to the hershey bars. So total before tax was .21 cents.
I have been asked a lot this week how I save so much with coupons. I am kinda of obsessed with coupons as of late. They have made me re-think the way I grocery shop. It can be kind of overwhelming at first. So I want to share what I do and maybe it will help you. My friend Marie said I should teach classes. (by the way do you know Jack? I met him today - such an adorable, sweet little baby and he smells so good.)
One common things I hear as to why people don't use coupons: All coupons are for boxed, processed foods. I don't have time. I don't get the newspaper.
Well let me tell you - you can use coupons and still eat healthy! Yes there are a lot of coupons out there for boxed cake mixes, rice, noodles, brownies, crescent rolls, etc. But you can also find coupons for milk, dairy, cheese and organic products.
Don't have time? You already going to the store, right? You are already on the computer, right ? You are already on facebook, right? You have the time. We all have the same amount of time everyday - 24 hours. Just choose to spend a few minutes searching and printing the net for coupons.
You don't have to get the newspaper - ask friends or family for their coupon inserts if they don't use them. I am seriously thinking about jumping in our recycle bin at church looking for coupon inserts. You can dumpster dive at your local recycling center. But if want to stay clean and not embarass yourself when you can't get out of the dumpster - use your computer instead. So many free coupons on line and on facebook. You can print the same coupon twice from each computer. Some of my favorite free websites:
www.coupons. com (search by zip codes for different products - sometimes products are regional)
www.allyou.com(sign up for their free sample everyday -and print coupons. They also have a magazine ALL YOU typically sold at walmart or get a monthly subscription and they are loaded with manufacturing coupons in each issue.)
next go to your favorite brands websites...www.heluvagood.com, coffe-mate, proctor & gamble, kraft. You can find coupons on their page or sign up to their newsletters and coupon alerts.
"Like" your favorite brands on facebook. Sometimes they give away free samples or you can print coupons directly from their promo page.
Fight the urge to clip every coupon you see. Only clip products you currently use or want to try. Try to stay organized. Get a little file binder - separate them into categories: baking, cereal/breads, canned goods & frozen, dairy, drug & beauty, baby & paper goods, pasta, rice, helpers, pet & misc, condiments.
Shop your ads. By this I mean you have to be willing to travel to a couple stores to get the deals. Stores I typically visit in one week: CVS, Walgreens, Target, Giant Eagle & Acme. I go on my lunch hour, list in hand, coupons for that shopping trip neatly cut out and in an envelope or paper clipped to my list. Only buy what's on your list! Be familiar with each stores coupon policy.
CVS: accepts manufacturing & store coupons. Buy a bag tag for your shopping tote. Each time you shop - they scan your tag and get a .25 cents credit. Once you have a $1.00 - a cvs coupon will print out for $1.00 extra bucks
Walgreens- accepts manufacturing & store coupons. Number of coupons can not exceed the number of items you are purchasing. sometimes you have to throw in a few "filler" items - like that .89 cent candy bar so you can use all of coupons.
Target: accepts manufacturing & store coupons. go to www.target.com and print out target coupons to "stack" with mfg coupons. Bring your own tote -get .05 cents off
Giant Eagle: accepts mfg coupons & store coupons. sign up at www.gianteagle.com for their e-offers. Basically it's a store coupon that is added to your advantage card. You can also "stack" a mfg coupon for that item. Giant Eagle doubles coupons that are under .99 cents. So a .75 cent coupon? just became 1.50 off that item.
Acme- accepts mfg & store coupons. They also sell the sunday paper on monday for .75 cents.
And I site I visit daily: www.totallytarget.com This gal is awesome. She will list everything that's on sale at Target and any available coupons out there.
Okay this is all for today. My boys are starving & must be fed!! let me know what you are saving on your shopping trips! or if you want to start extreme "couponing"- I will be happy to help!